Scaffolding & Crane Oversailing
When you own land, you own the airspace above it as well. If you are a developer who intends to occupy someone else’s land or just airspace, doing so without permission constitutes a trespass. Failure to abate the trespass can result in an injunction.
At GT Louis, we have long experience in dealing with scaffolding and oversailing agreements. If you are a developer, we encourage early engagement in order to allow enough time to identify, contact and negotiate with all adjacent parties whose land access is required over. Failure to do so at an early enough stage can result in delays on site whilst agreements are put in place, sometimes costing significant sums.
If you are a neighbour and someone has accessed your land without permission, you will likely have a case against them. We act for both developers and adjacent neighbours who are affected by this access requirement. We are happy to discuss your particular requirements and tailor our service to meet these.